Pemberton Roses

Hybrid Tea introduced in 1930
Althea - Carmine-red. Strong, damask fragrance. Large, double (17-25 petals) bloom form. Blooms in flushes throughout the season. Large, long, pointed buds. Bushy, upright. Leathery foliage. Height of up to 28" (up to 70 cm).
The word "Althea" means "to heal," and Althea was a Greek goddess known to be a healer.
The word "Althea" means "to heal," and Althea was a Greek goddess known to be a healer.

Hybrid Tea introduced 1925
"Colour cherry, distinct. Flowers full, pointed globular, carried erect, growth compact, suitable for bedding and specimen blooms. Flowering continuously from early Summer to late Autumn. Very fragrant, damask perfume." (J.P. - 1925)
Flowers continuously from early June through to November. Stays fairly compact, with intense perfume, noticeably damask, and very easy to grow.
Flowers continuously from early June through to November. Stays fairly compact, with intense perfume, noticeably damask, and very easy to grow.

Pemberton Hybrid Musk introduced 1923
Danaë (Hybrid Musk, Pemberton 1913) x Miriam (Hybrid Musk, Pemberton, 1919).
In Roman mythology, Aurora, goddess of the dawn, renews herself every morning and flies across the sky, announcing the arrival of the sun.
"Colour golden canary. Flowers medium size, semi-single, produced in corymbs, large sprays. Bush habit, tall, perpetual, late blooming. Not liable to mildew, fragrant." (NRS 25)
"Another new variety of the 'Nur Mahal' (HMK) type of a deep yellow primrose colour. Very free flowering. The Plant exhibited was vigorous and free of mildew. A good bedding rose." (NRS 24)
"Pemberton's New Pedigree roses for distribution in 1923.
'Aurora' (Hybrid Tea)
Colour golden canary. Flowers medium size, semi-single, produced in corymbs, large sprays. Bush habit, tall, perpetual, late blooming, not liable to mildew."
In Roman mythology, Aurora, goddess of the dawn, renews herself every morning and flies across the sky, announcing the arrival of the sun.
"Colour golden canary. Flowers medium size, semi-single, produced in corymbs, large sprays. Bush habit, tall, perpetual, late blooming. Not liable to mildew, fragrant." (NRS 25)
"Another new variety of the 'Nur Mahal' (HMK) type of a deep yellow primrose colour. Very free flowering. The Plant exhibited was vigorous and free of mildew. A good bedding rose." (NRS 24)
"Pemberton's New Pedigree roses for distribution in 1923.
'Aurora' (Hybrid Tea)
Colour golden canary. Flowers medium size, semi-single, produced in corymbs, large sprays. Bush habit, tall, perpetual, late blooming, not liable to mildew."

Autumn Delight
Bentall Hybrid Musk introduced 1933
Buds are pointed, apricot yellow, opening to a flower which is single and of soft buff yellow, with beautiful stamens. Flowers fade in hot weather to creamy white. Huge heads of 30 to 50 blooms appear on strong shoots four to five feet long. Leathery dark green foliage with very few thorns. Disease resistant. Ideal for beds, borders and hedges and for planting in mixed borders among perennials.
Autumn Delight produces a huge flush of flowers in the Spring, but less prolific through the Summer. Then another huge flush in the Autumn, hence its name.
Autumn Delight produces a huge flush of flowers in the Spring, but less prolific through the Summer. Then another huge flush in the Autumn, hence its name.

Bentall Hybrid Musk introduced 1937
This rose makes a tremendous display at mid-Summer producing hundreds of single, shallow-cupped light pink flowers on trusses four feet long. Can be planted on its own, in groups, or as a hedge. Grown widely throughout the world and available everywhere.
This rose was discovered by Ann Bentall as a chance seedling.
Royal Horticultural Society Award of Garden Merit 1993.
This rose was discovered by Ann Bentall as a chance seedling.
Royal Horticultural Society Award of Garden Merit 1993.

Hybrid Musk introduced 1936
Pink, semi-double (9 to16 petals), and blooms in flushes throughout the season. Strong fragrance. Grows to a height of 4 to 6 feet.
This rose was raised by Ann Bentall, and is named after her granddaughter. Her 'Ballerina' was introduced the following year with greater merit and caused 'Belinda' to be unfairly undervalued.
This rose was raised by Ann Bentall, and is named after her granddaughter. Her 'Ballerina' was introduced the following year with greater merit and caused 'Belinda' to be unfairly undervalued.

A carmine-pink rose, medium to large, semi-double (9 to 16 petals), with globular, high-centered blooms. Outer petals are pinkish cream. Moderate tea rose fragrance. Upright. Blooms in flushes throughout the season.

Hybrid Tea introduced 1927
"Flowers full, pointed, carried erect on stiff footstalk. Colour white, pink, very fragrant. Suitable for bedding and specimen blooms. Growth vigorous. Good in Autumn". (J.P. 1927)
Delicate soft pink flowers. Flowers continuously through to Autumn. Vigorous, producing an abundance of late growth in September. Delicate perfume. Easy to grow and disease resistant.
This rare rose can be seen at Saint Francis Hospice and Sangerhausen, Germany.
Delicate soft pink flowers. Flowers continuously through to Autumn. Vigorous, producing an abundance of late growth in September. Delicate perfume. Easy to grow and disease resistant.
This rare rose can be seen at Saint Francis Hospice and Sangerhausen, Germany.

Buff Beauty
Bentall Hybrid Musk introduced 1939
Buff Beauty has trusses of pale apricot blooms that show up well against the background of dark green foliage. Excellent habit with arching branches of six feet. Can be grown as a shrub if trained on a wall. The multi-petalled flower is in the shape of a powder puff with a muddled centre. Hints of buff yellow as well as apricot. Can withstand bad weather very well and is an excellent all round plant that flowers continuously.
It is thought that this rose was introduced by Ann Bentall as a tribute to her husband in 1939. She died shortly afterwards.
Royal Horticultural Society Award of Garden Merit 1993
It is thought that this rose was introduced by Ann Bentall as a tribute to her husband in 1939. She died shortly afterwards.
Royal Horticultural Society Award of Garden Merit 1993

Pemberton Hybrid Musk introduced 1920
William Allen Richardson x seedling
In Greek mythology, Callisto is one of the nymphs of Artemis, which means most beautiful. In 1610, Galileo named a moon of Jupiter Callisto.
"A yellow perpetual flowering cluster rose. Flowering throughout the season to the middle of October. Good in Autumn, of bush habit growing about three feet high." (NRS 17)
The flowers are rosette in form, golden yellow, long lasting, and borne in clusters along three to four stems. Growth is vigorous and bushy. Flowers into November. Dark green leathery foliage, with reversed thorns.
In Greek mythology, Callisto is one of the nymphs of Artemis, which means most beautiful. In 1610, Galileo named a moon of Jupiter Callisto.
"A yellow perpetual flowering cluster rose. Flowering throughout the season to the middle of October. Good in Autumn, of bush habit growing about three feet high." (NRS 17)
The flowers are rosette in form, golden yellow, long lasting, and borne in clusters along three to four stems. Growth is vigorous and bushy. Flowers into November. Dark green leathery foliage, with reversed thorns.

Pemberton Hybrid Musk introduced 1914
Parentage - unknown.
In ancient Roman religion, Ceres was a goddess of agriculture, grain crops, fertility and motherly relationships.
"Flowers semi-double, blush with yellow shading, produced in corymbs. Perpetual, good in Autumn. Recommended for growth in bush form." (NRS 14)
Apricot/pink, yellow flowers, lightly double. Medium scent. Good growth with scattered blooms throughout season. Flowers through to November. Can be grown as a climber.
In ancient Roman religion, Ceres was a goddess of agriculture, grain crops, fertility and motherly relationships.
"Flowers semi-double, blush with yellow shading, produced in corymbs. Perpetual, good in Autumn. Recommended for growth in bush form." (NRS 14)
Apricot/pink, yellow flowers, lightly double. Medium scent. Good growth with scattered blooms throughout season. Flowers through to November. Can be grown as a climber.

Pemberton Hybrid Musk introduced 1929
Parentage - unknown.
"A perpetual flowering cluster rose, colour bright rose pink, yellow stamens, semi-single, produced in corymbs, large sprays, bush habit, bedding, very strong musk perfume, good in autumn." (NRS 29).
Deep pink, lightly double. Good perfume. Medium size and height.
This rare rose can be seen at Saint Francis Hospice, but is otherwise thought not to be available in the UK.
"A perpetual flowering cluster rose, colour bright rose pink, yellow stamens, semi-single, produced in corymbs, large sprays, bush habit, bedding, very strong musk perfume, good in autumn." (NRS 29).
Deep pink, lightly double. Good perfume. Medium size and height.
This rare rose can be seen at Saint Francis Hospice, but is otherwise thought not to be available in the UK.

Pemberton Hybrid Musk introduced 1915
Trier (Hybrid Musk, Lambert, 1904) x Liberty (hybrid tea, Dickson, 1900)
Clytemnestra was the daughter of Tyndareus and Leda, the king and queen of Sparta. According to the myth, Zeus appeared to Leda in the form of a swan, seducing and impregnating her. Leda produced four offspring from two eggs: Castor and Clytemnestra from one egg, and Helen and Polydeuces from the other.
"Yellowish salmon, small, full, light scent, tall. Described as a perpetual flowering semi-climber. The flowers have slightly twisted petals that somewhat spoilt its effectiveness some thought, others liked the quaintness of the blooms. The flowers are small and would appear to have some polyantha blood." (NRS 15).
Distinct musk hybrid with clusters of deep coppery, salmon buds opening to small, crinkled pink and salmon yellow flowers with dark leathery leaves.
Clytemnestra was the daughter of Tyndareus and Leda, the king and queen of Sparta. According to the myth, Zeus appeared to Leda in the form of a swan, seducing and impregnating her. Leda produced four offspring from two eggs: Castor and Clytemnestra from one egg, and Helen and Polydeuces from the other.
"Yellowish salmon, small, full, light scent, tall. Described as a perpetual flowering semi-climber. The flowers have slightly twisted petals that somewhat spoilt its effectiveness some thought, others liked the quaintness of the blooms. The flowers are small and would appear to have some polyantha blood." (NRS 15).
Distinct musk hybrid with clusters of deep coppery, salmon buds opening to small, crinkled pink and salmon yellow flowers with dark leathery leaves.

Pemberton Hybrid Musk introduced 1925
Cornelia Scipionis Africana (born 191 or 190 BC - died 100 BC) was the second daughter of Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus, the hero of the Second Punic War, and Aemilia Paulla. She is remembered as the perfect example of a virtuous Roman woman.
A perpetual flowering cluster rose. Colour strawberry, flushed yellow. Flowers in clusters, rosette. Shrub habit, good for massing. Foliage handsome, leathery, dark green. Wood claret colour. Good in Autumn. Fragrant musk perfume. (NRS 25)
Flowers range in colour from pale apricot, to copper, to salmon pink, or strawberry flushed yellow, with a usually orange base. Flowers are small, very double, rosette shaped and are borne in large, arching trusses. The scent is soft, rich and musky. A vigorous bush, with shining dark green leaves, which can be trained on a wall, six x eight' as a bush.
RHS award of garden merit 1993.
A perpetual flowering cluster rose. Colour strawberry, flushed yellow. Flowers in clusters, rosette. Shrub habit, good for massing. Foliage handsome, leathery, dark green. Wood claret colour. Good in Autumn. Fragrant musk perfume. (NRS 25)
Flowers range in colour from pale apricot, to copper, to salmon pink, or strawberry flushed yellow, with a usually orange base. Flowers are small, very double, rosette shaped and are borne in large, arching trusses. The scent is soft, rich and musky. A vigorous bush, with shining dark green leaves, which can be trained on a wall, six x eight' as a bush.
RHS award of garden merit 1993.

Pemberton Hybrid Musk introduced 1913
Trier (Hybrid Musk, Lambert, 1904) x Gloire de Chédane-Guinoisseau
In Greek mythology, Danaë was a daughter of King Acrisius of Argos and his wife Queen Eurydice. She was the mother of the hero Perseus by Zeus. She was sometimes credited with founding the city of Ardea in Latium during the Bronze Age.
"A perpetual flowering yellow cluster rose. Habit, bushy and branching. Growth, active and vigorous, throwing up throughout the entire rose season strong shoots from the base, about four feet long, each shoot bearing cluster sprays of yellow flowers. Foliage, dark green, waxy. Flowering continuously from June to late in Autumn. Very good in September." NRS 14)
Soft yellow, semi-double flowers which grow in clusters. Perpetual flowering. Vigorous growth. Blooms from June through to October
In Greek mythology, Danaë was a daughter of King Acrisius of Argos and his wife Queen Eurydice. She was the mother of the hero Perseus by Zeus. She was sometimes credited with founding the city of Ardea in Latium during the Bronze Age.
"A perpetual flowering yellow cluster rose. Habit, bushy and branching. Growth, active and vigorous, throwing up throughout the entire rose season strong shoots from the base, about four feet long, each shoot bearing cluster sprays of yellow flowers. Foliage, dark green, waxy. Flowering continuously from June to late in Autumn. Very good in September." NRS 14)
Soft yellow, semi-double flowers which grow in clusters. Perpetual flowering. Vigorous growth. Blooms from June through to October

Pemberton Hybrid Musk introduced 1913
Daphne is a minor figure in Greek mythology known as a Naiad-a type of female nymph associated with fountains, wells, springs, streams, brooks and other bodies of freshwater. There are several versions of the myth, but the general narrative is that because of her beauty, Daphne attracted the attention and ardor of the god Apollo (Phoebus). Apollo pursued her and just before being overtaken, Daphne pleaded to her father, the rivergod for help, so he then transformed Daphne into a laurel tree.
Carnation pink rose, lightly double. Very fragrant. Vigorous growth. Ideal for bedding. Blooms from June to November. Perpetual flowering clusters are at their best in October.
This rare Hybrid Musk can be seen at Saint Francis Hospice and it is thought not to be available anywhere else in the UK
Carnation pink rose, lightly double. Very fragrant. Vigorous growth. Ideal for bedding. Blooms from June to November. Perpetual flowering clusters are at their best in October.
This rare Hybrid Musk can be seen at Saint Francis Hospice and it is thought not to be available anywhere else in the UK

Hybrid Musk introduced 1918
Trier (Hybrid Musk, Lambert, 1904) x Liberty (hybrid tea, Dickson, 1900).
Golden-yellow and ages to cream. Blooms are semi-double (9 to 16 petals), in small cluster bloom form. Blooms in flushes throughout the season. Strong fragrance. Short, bushy growth, 4' x 3'.
Golden-yellow and ages to cream. Blooms are semi-double (9 to 16 petals), in small cluster bloom form. Blooms in flushes throughout the season. Strong fragrance. Short, bushy growth, 4' x 3'.

Emily Pemberton Barnes
Hybrid Tea introduced 1928?
E. Pemberton-Barnes was named after Joseph Pemberton's last surviving cousin, who was the eldest daughter of William Pemberton born in 1853. She died in 1943 at the age of 90. She was known in Tower Hamlets and in particular Bethnal Green as the 'Angel of the East End' for her charitable legacies which are still in operation today.
"Colour light pink, shaded cerise. Flowers large and full, suitable for specimen blooms, and bedding growth vigorous."
Lovely pointed large blooms in shades of carmine to soft pink. Flowers continuously from June to November. Delicate scent with hints of damask.
"Colour light pink, shaded cerise. Flowers large and full, suitable for specimen blooms, and bedding growth vigorous."
Lovely pointed large blooms in shades of carmine to soft pink. Flowers continuously from June to November. Delicate scent with hints of damask.

Hybrid Musk introduced 1928
Trier (Hybrid Musk, Lambert, 1904) x Ophelia (hybrid tea, Paul, 1912)
Light pink, with yellow shading, and white undertones. Semi-double (9 to 16 petals), in large clusters, with flat, rosette bloom form. Blooms in flushes throughout the season. Strong, sweet fragrance. Bushy growth, height 3' and width of 4' to 9'.
Light pink, with yellow shading, and white undertones. Semi-double (9 to 16 petals), in large clusters, with flat, rosette bloom form. Blooms in flushes throughout the season. Strong, sweet fragrance. Bushy growth, height 3' and width of 4' to 9'.

Hybrid Musk introduced 1927
Lady Pirrie (HT) x Nur-Mahal (HMK)
Fortuna, Goddess of Chance
"A large semi-double rose for its type, produced in clusters. The colour is pale pink, flushed white. Musk scented. The habit appears to be fairly vigorous, and it should make a very pretty specimen bush." (NRS 28)
Rose pink flowers, large semi-double (12 to 15 petals), with flowers 3 to 4 inches in diameter, and centres filled with golden anthers. Fruity fragrance. Borne freely in large sprays. Flowers continuously through to Autumn.
Fortuna, Goddess of Chance
"A large semi-double rose for its type, produced in clusters. The colour is pale pink, flushed white. Musk scented. The habit appears to be fairly vigorous, and it should make a very pretty specimen bush." (NRS 28)
Rose pink flowers, large semi-double (12 to 15 petals), with flowers 3 to 4 inches in diameter, and centres filled with golden anthers. Fruity fragrance. Borne freely in large sprays. Flowers continuously through to Autumn.

Hybrid Musk introduced 1922
Danaë (Hybrid Musk, Pemberton 1913) x Sunburst (hybrid tea, Pernet-Ducher, 1911)
"Copper orange, medium size, single, light scent, tall, produced in corymbs, large sprays. Bush habit, spread". (NRS 22)
Pemberton's New Pedigree Roses
For distribution in 1922
"Francesca" (Hybrid Tea)
Colour apricot. Flowers medium size, semi-single, produced in corymbs, large sprays. Bush bait, tall, spreading.
The lightly fragrant buff apricot coloured flowers are almost single. Borne on long sprays on a tall 6' x 6' spreading bush with healthy, soft green foliage. Excellent flower production in Spring. Blooms continuously until Autumn.
"Copper orange, medium size, single, light scent, tall, produced in corymbs, large sprays. Bush habit, spread". (NRS 22)
Pemberton's New Pedigree Roses
For distribution in 1922
"Francesca" (Hybrid Tea)
Colour apricot. Flowers medium size, semi-single, produced in corymbs, large sprays. Bush bait, tall, spreading.
The lightly fragrant buff apricot coloured flowers are almost single. Borne on long sprays on a tall 6' x 6' spreading bush with healthy, soft green foliage. Excellent flower production in Spring. Blooms continuously until Autumn.

Havering Rambler?
Hybrid Rambler introduced 1920
Seedling of Turner's Crimson Rambler (Mult)
Named after Havering-atte-Bower where Pemberton lived.
"Deep clyclamen pink. Its huge trusses of almond blossom blooms make a wonderful show as a pillar." (NRS 29)
"A Summer-flowering rambler. Colour, almond blossom, distinct. Large clusters of rosette flowers, well distributed. Growth very vigorous." (NRS 20)
Large sprays of pale pink flowers in rosette form, very long lasting, and profuse.
This rare rose is not generally available commercially in the UK or Europe.
Named after Havering-atte-Bower where Pemberton lived.
"Deep clyclamen pink. Its huge trusses of almond blossom blooms make a wonderful show as a pillar." (NRS 29)
"A Summer-flowering rambler. Colour, almond blossom, distinct. Large clusters of rosette flowers, well distributed. Growth very vigorous." (NRS 20)
Large sprays of pale pink flowers in rosette form, very long lasting, and profuse.
This rare rose is not generally available commercially in the UK or Europe.

I Zingari
Pernetianas introduced 1925
"I saw this rose growing in the Raiser's garden during the Summer, and was greatly impressed with its striking colour. Mr Pemberton said its colour reminded him of the old I Zingari Cricket Club colours - orange and scarlet, to which I must add shaded gold. The blooms are semi double, and very freely produced on strong upright stems. The foliage is very dark green, the wood light claret colour, and the plants were sturdy and well grown. A very interesting decorative rose, well worth a trial." (NRS 25)
Semi-double, sweetly scented, free flowering, continuously produced in corymbs. Dark green foliage, stems claret. Fine habit. Vivid colour.
It is believed that this rare and beautiful rose that can only be seen at Saint Francis Hospice and at the Europa Rosarium, Sangerhausen, Germany.
Semi-double, sweetly scented, free flowering, continuously produced in corymbs. Dark green foliage, stems claret. Fine habit. Vivid colour.
It is believed that this rare and beautiful rose that can only be seen at Saint Francis Hospice and at the Europa Rosarium, Sangerhausen, Germany.

Hybrid Musk introduced 1922
Daphne (Hybrid Musk, Pemberton, 1912) x Perle des Jardins.
"A perpetual free flowering cluster rose. Colour pink-blush, after the shade of rosa canina. Large trusses of small single flowers, well distributed. Strong shrub habit free flowering. Good in Autumn". (NRS 22).
The flowers are small and single, each with an arrangement of five separated petals and yellow stamens. A perpetual and free-flowering cluster rose with strong shrub habit. Foliage is large, and leathery. Vigorous growth. Flowers constantly from May to November. Delicious scent. Resembles a bough of blush pink apple blossom.
"A perpetual free flowering cluster rose. Colour pink-blush, after the shade of rosa canina. Large trusses of small single flowers, well distributed. Strong shrub habit free flowering. Good in Autumn". (NRS 22).
The flowers are small and single, each with an arrangement of five separated petals and yellow stamens. A perpetual and free-flowering cluster rose with strong shrub habit. Foliage is large, and leathery. Vigorous growth. Flowers constantly from May to November. Delicious scent. Resembles a bough of blush pink apple blossom.

Maid Marion
Hybrid Musk introduced 1930
Maid Marian is the love interest of the legendary outlaw Robin Hood in English folklore.
Large trusses of white flowers turning pink as they age, lightly double, and borne in large clusters. Profuse and continuous flowering all season. Light musky fragrance. Glossy foliage. Vigorous growth.
Available from a few specialist growers in Europe.
Large trusses of white flowers turning pink as they age, lightly double, and borne in large clusters. Profuse and continuous flowering all season. Light musky fragrance. Glossy foliage. Vigorous growth.
Available from a few specialist growers in Europe.

Hybrid Musk introduced 1913
Trier (Hybrid Musk, Lambert, 1904) - Sulphurea (tea, Paul, 1900).
"A delightful garden rose of very free flowering character described as a hybrid tea, but some seemed to think it would have been more correctly sent out as a hybrid multiflora. It is a rose flowering in clusters after the style of 'Trier', but paler in colour, with no pink in the buds". (RNS 14). This is an early description, before he started using the term hybrid musk in 1919.
"A perpetual flowering cluster rose. Flowers, white flushed lemon, with prominent golden stamens. Sweetly scented. Habit, bushy and branching. Growth, active and vigorous, growing about 4' to 6' high. Wood and foliage, dark claret red, in colour of the flowers. Blooming continuously in large sprays from June to late Autumn. An excellent garden plant". (NRS 21).
National Rose Society Gold Medal - 1913
"A delightful garden rose of very free flowering character described as a hybrid tea, but some seemed to think it would have been more correctly sent out as a hybrid multiflora. It is a rose flowering in clusters after the style of 'Trier', but paler in colour, with no pink in the buds". (RNS 14). This is an early description, before he started using the term hybrid musk in 1919.
"A perpetual flowering cluster rose. Flowers, white flushed lemon, with prominent golden stamens. Sweetly scented. Habit, bushy and branching. Growth, active and vigorous, growing about 4' to 6' high. Wood and foliage, dark claret red, in colour of the flowers. Blooming continuously in large sprays from June to late Autumn. An excellent garden plant". (NRS 21).
National Rose Society Gold Medal - 1913

Nur Mahal
Hybrid Musk introduced 1923
Château de Clos Vougeot (Hybrid Tea) x Seedling of Hybrid Musk.
Nur Mahal (1923) is named after the wife of the Emperor Jahangir of India who is credited with the discovery of Attar of roses.
Translation "The Fairy of the Palace" or "The Light of Palaces".
"To meet the repeated enquiries as to the origin of this name for a rose these brief remarks are offered. The rose, 'Nur-Mahal', on its first appearance in public under a number was named by a lady of long residence in India after an eminent lady in Indian history who lived in the 17th century, Norjahan the Beautiful, subsequently known as Nur Mahal, the Light of Palaces, or as we should say in English, 'The glory of the home'. Nur Mahal from childhood was a lover of roses. It was as 'Crown Princess of Persia', when in her rose garden, the she first met her future husband, Jehangir. Jehangir, however, did not prove to be an ideal ruler, so Nur Mahal took in hand the reins of government as the power behind the thrown. As in Persia so in India, Nur Mahal had an extensive rose garden and doubtless sought and found both consolation of mind and invigoration of spirit, as many lovers of the rose have since found, in her beautiful rose garden. Her later name was given her by her devoted husband, who called her Mur Mahal, the 'Light of the Places'. (NRS 25).
"Colour cramoisie; flowers medium, semi-single, produced in corymbs, large sprays; bush habit; flowers continuously; musk perfume." (NRS 23). This is also Pemberton's own description.
The bright crimson flowers have a strong musk scent. The semi-double florets are borne in clusters on strong straight stems. Flowers May to November and is a very profuse, hardy pillar rose
Nur Mahal (1923) is named after the wife of the Emperor Jahangir of India who is credited with the discovery of Attar of roses.
Translation "The Fairy of the Palace" or "The Light of Palaces".
"To meet the repeated enquiries as to the origin of this name for a rose these brief remarks are offered. The rose, 'Nur-Mahal', on its first appearance in public under a number was named by a lady of long residence in India after an eminent lady in Indian history who lived in the 17th century, Norjahan the Beautiful, subsequently known as Nur Mahal, the Light of Palaces, or as we should say in English, 'The glory of the home'. Nur Mahal from childhood was a lover of roses. It was as 'Crown Princess of Persia', when in her rose garden, the she first met her future husband, Jehangir. Jehangir, however, did not prove to be an ideal ruler, so Nur Mahal took in hand the reins of government as the power behind the thrown. As in Persia so in India, Nur Mahal had an extensive rose garden and doubtless sought and found both consolation of mind and invigoration of spirit, as many lovers of the rose have since found, in her beautiful rose garden. Her later name was given her by her devoted husband, who called her Mur Mahal, the 'Light of the Places'. (NRS 25).
"Colour cramoisie; flowers medium, semi-single, produced in corymbs, large sprays; bush habit; flowers continuously; musk perfume." (NRS 23). This is also Pemberton's own description.
The bright crimson flowers have a strong musk scent. The semi-double florets are borne in clusters on strong straight stems. Flowers May to November and is a very profuse, hardy pillar rose

Paulette Bentall
Pemberton/Bentall Rambler/Multi Hybrid introduced 1916
Flowers are deep purple-red borne in loose graceful clusters which are larger and more attractive than Crimson Rambler. Strong grower with full, blooms in large corymbs. Hardy with very vigorous growth. Best grown as a pillar rose when the huge trusses form a magnificent display. Late flowering, mid-July onwards with long lasting flowers.
This rare rose can be seen at Saint Francis Hospice but is not thought to be otherwise available in Europe.
This rare rose can be seen at Saint Francis Hospice but is not thought to be otherwise available in Europe.

Hybrid Musk introduced 1918
Trier (Hybrid Musk, Lambert, 1904) x Sunburst (hybrid tea, Pernet-Ducher, 1911).
Pax (1918) was created to commemorate the end of the World War 1.
"Commemorate peace by planting a bed of Pax" was Pemberton's message to his customers in 1918.
" A new Hybrid Musk of the first order, very strongly perfumed - real musk - foliage dark green, the young shoots claret colour. The blooms are semi-single, three or four inches in diameter. Produced in corymbs, and carried on long stems, sometimes as many as thirty being on the one stem the colour pure white, tinted lemon in the bud, with prominent golden anthers. Continuous flowering, blooming more freely in the late Autumn than mid-summer. It is a pity it is not a vigorous climber, but as a big bush it will be most effective." (NRS 18).
"Rather distinct carnation perfume, like R. Moschata." (NRS 21).
National Rose Society Gold Medal 1918.
Pax (1918) was created to commemorate the end of the World War 1.
"Commemorate peace by planting a bed of Pax" was Pemberton's message to his customers in 1918.
" A new Hybrid Musk of the first order, very strongly perfumed - real musk - foliage dark green, the young shoots claret colour. The blooms are semi-single, three or four inches in diameter. Produced in corymbs, and carried on long stems, sometimes as many as thirty being on the one stem the colour pure white, tinted lemon in the bud, with prominent golden anthers. Continuous flowering, blooming more freely in the late Autumn than mid-summer. It is a pity it is not a vigorous climber, but as a big bush it will be most effective." (NRS 18).
"Rather distinct carnation perfume, like R. Moschata." (NRS 21).
National Rose Society Gold Medal 1918.

White with pink shading. Moderate fragrance. Blooms in flushes throughout the season.

Pemberton's White Rambler
Pemberton Rambler introduced 1914
"Large trusses of white flowers, rosette, carried on upright stems, remaining in flower a long time both on the plant and cut. Not liable to mildew." (NRS 15)
This is an excellent pure white multiflora with very double flowers in large clusters, with rosette like flowers. Very vigorous growth and is late flowering.
This is an excellent pure white multiflora with very double flowers in large clusters, with rosette like flowers. Very vigorous growth and is late flowering.

Hybrid Musk introduced 1924
Ophelia (hybrid tea, Paul, 1912) x Seedling
In Homer's Odyssey, Penelope is the faithful wife of Odysseus, who keeps her suitors at bay in his long absence and is eventually reunited with him. Her name has traditionally been associated with marital faithfulness.
Seashell-pink, yellow shading with up to 25 petals and a diameter 4", large, semi-double to double, in large clusters, in open bloom form. Blooms in flushes throughout the season. Strong fragrance. Bushy, and upright with small, semi-glossy, dark green foliage
In Homer's Odyssey, Penelope is the faithful wife of Odysseus, who keeps her suitors at bay in his long absence and is eventually reunited with him. Her name has traditionally been associated with marital faithfulness.
Seashell-pink, yellow shading with up to 25 petals and a diameter 4", large, semi-double to double, in large clusters, in open bloom form. Blooms in flushes throughout the season. Strong fragrance. Bushy, and upright with small, semi-glossy, dark green foliage

Pink Prosperity
Hybrid Musk introduced 1931
Seedling of Prosperity
Medium-sized flowers on big strong stemmed clusters. Blush pink outer petals with the remainder clear pink with deeper shadings. Strong musky scent. Attractive dark green foliage and will grow 6' by 4'. It has Polyantha like flowers which are useful in borders and hedging. Vigorous upright habit
Medium-sized flowers on big strong stemmed clusters. Blush pink outer petals with the remainder clear pink with deeper shadings. Strong musky scent. Attractive dark green foliage and will grow 6' by 4'. It has Polyantha like flowers which are useful in borders and hedging. Vigorous upright habit

Princess Nagako
Hybrid China introduced 1922
Princess Nagako (March 6, 1903 Tokyo - June 16, 2000) married Crown Prince Hirohito of Japan in 1924. She was Empress of Japan from 1926-1989.
"Colour fire shaded yellow, distinct. Form globular, medium size semi-double. Habit dwarf, free flowering, suitable for bedding. Blooming continuously from early Summer to October." (J.P. 1922)
Deep velvety wine red flowers with an occasional streak of white/yellow. Distinct globular shape blooms, with dark green foliage. Medium scent. Flowers freely needing little attention.
"Colour fire shaded yellow, distinct. Form globular, medium size semi-double. Habit dwarf, free flowering, suitable for bedding. Blooming continuously from early Summer to October." (J.P. 1922)
Deep velvety wine red flowers with an occasional streak of white/yellow. Distinct globular shape blooms, with dark green foliage. Medium scent. Flowers freely needing little attention.

Hybrid Musk introduced 1919
Marie-Jeanne (Polyantha) x Perle des Jardins (Tea).
"A perpetual flowering cluster rose. Colour white, tinted pink in bud. Form rosette, flowers produced in extra large trusses, carried erect. Foliage dark green, waxy, not liable to mildew. Growth from 3 to 4 feet high, bushy. Cut sprays last over a week in water. Free flowering, blooms well into November." (NRS 19).
Perpetual flowering bushy musk rose with extra large clusters of white, rosette-like flowers, tinged with pale pink. Medium scent. Will grow 4' to 5' tall.
Royal Horticultural Society Award of Garden Merit - 1994.
"A perpetual flowering cluster rose. Colour white, tinted pink in bud. Form rosette, flowers produced in extra large trusses, carried erect. Foliage dark green, waxy, not liable to mildew. Growth from 3 to 4 feet high, bushy. Cut sprays last over a week in water. Free flowering, blooms well into November." (NRS 19).
Perpetual flowering bushy musk rose with extra large clusters of white, rosette-like flowers, tinged with pale pink. Medium scent. Will grow 4' to 5' tall.
Royal Horticultural Society Award of Garden Merit - 1994.

Queen Alexandra
Pemberton Hybrid Musk Rambler introduced 1915
"Large single flowers, produced in corymbs, smooth petals, pale yellow flushed and edged with salmon pink, prominent golden stamens." (NRS 15)
An upright grower (1.3 - 1.6 m) and a persistent bloomer, sending up strong growths from the base, each carrying five to ten blooms. The flowers are large and single with smooth petals and prominent golden stamens. The colour of the petals is pale yellow flushed and edged with salmon." (NRS 16)
Excellent for pillars, and is a perpetual flowerer. The blooms are perfectly single, reminding one of a glorified dog-rose; the colour is pale citron-yellow flushed with pink when young, and fading with age to white." (NRS 18)
Trained on an iron fence, has proved so hardy that is has never been frosted even when on three occasions the thermometer has registered two or three degrees below zero Fahrenheit". (NRS 14)
A very rare single flowered, pale yellow rose flushed pink, with a light scent. This tall and vigorous Hybrid Musk should be observed over several seasons to be appreciated at its best, otherwise it can easily be underestimated. Can be grown as a rambler/pillar.
An upright grower (1.3 - 1.6 m) and a persistent bloomer, sending up strong growths from the base, each carrying five to ten blooms. The flowers are large and single with smooth petals and prominent golden stamens. The colour of the petals is pale yellow flushed and edged with salmon." (NRS 16)
Excellent for pillars, and is a perpetual flowerer. The blooms are perfectly single, reminding one of a glorified dog-rose; the colour is pale citron-yellow flushed with pink when young, and fading with age to white." (NRS 18)
Trained on an iron fence, has proved so hardy that is has never been frosted even when on three occasions the thermometer has registered two or three degrees below zero Fahrenheit". (NRS 14)
A very rare single flowered, pale yellow rose flushed pink, with a light scent. This tall and vigorous Hybrid Musk should be observed over several seasons to be appreciated at its best, otherwise it can easily be underestimated. Can be grown as a rambler/pillar.

Hybrid Tea introduced 1930
"Colour inside of petals silvery pink, outside salmon pink. Blooms full pointed, carried erect, growth very vigorous. Foliage dark green. Very free flowering and continuous. Suitable for bedding." (J.P. 1930)
The flowers are of the softest pink, shapely, with many petals. It has a delicate fragrance and is an alluring rose. The colour keeps well and the bud is pointed with large branching habit and dark green foliage. It was the last rose to be introduced under the Pemberton name.
This rare rose can be seen at Saint Francis Hospice and at Europa Rosarium, Sangerhause
The flowers are of the softest pink, shapely, with many petals. It has a delicate fragrance and is an alluring rose. The colour keeps well and the bud is pointed with large branching habit and dark green foliage. It was the last rose to be introduced under the Pemberton name.
This rare rose can be seen at Saint Francis Hospice and at Europa Rosarium, Sangerhause

Rivers Musk
Pemberton - 1925
A continuous blooming musk with rosy white fragrant flowers, relatively small, lightly double and borne in large clusters. Free flowering with white flowers flushed with pink, and at its best in late Summer through to December. It changes colour with the seasons and becomes carmine-pink by November. Vigorous growth and makes neat bushy pillar growth, not liable to mildew.
This rare rose can be seen at Saint Francis Hospice, Europa Rosarium, Sangerhausen, Germany and Cavriglia Ital
This rare rose can be seen at Saint Francis Hospice, Europa Rosarium, Sangerhausen, Germany and Cavriglia Ital

Robin Hood
Hybrid Musk introduced 1927
Seedling x Miss Edith Cavell (polyantha, De Ruiter, 1917)
Robin Hood is a heroic outlaw in English folklore, a highly skilled archer and swordsman known for "robbing from the rich and giving to the poor", assisted by a group of fellow outlaws known as his "Merry Men".
The flowers are bright cherry-red borne in clusters. Free flowering, with small single flowers, medium to tall with vigorous growth. It does well in borders or grown as a specimen plant. A 'Polyantha' type - its chief claim to fame is that is was one of the parents of 'Iceberg'.
Used by 'Kordes' and 'Lambert' because of its level of fertility to create varieties:-
Eva - 1933 (Kordes)
Wilhelm - 1934
Mozart - 1937 (Lambert)
Robin Hood is a heroic outlaw in English folklore, a highly skilled archer and swordsman known for "robbing from the rich and giving to the poor", assisted by a group of fellow outlaws known as his "Merry Men".
The flowers are bright cherry-red borne in clusters. Free flowering, with small single flowers, medium to tall with vigorous growth. It does well in borders or grown as a specimen plant. A 'Polyantha' type - its chief claim to fame is that is was one of the parents of 'Iceberg'.
Used by 'Kordes' and 'Lambert' because of its level of fertility to create varieties:-
Eva - 1933 (Kordes)
Wilhelm - 1934
Mozart - 1937 (Lambert)

Introduced in 1933
Dark red, large, double (17 to 25 petals), in large cluster bloom form. Blooms in flushes throughout the season.

Hybrid Musk introduced 1921
Trier (Hybrid Musk, Lambert, 1904) x Gruss an Teplitz (B)
"One of the best of the Hybrid Musks. In bloom from June to Christmas." (NRS 29)
"A perpetual flowering cluster rose. Colour carmine. Flowers semi-single, produced in corymbs. Trusses carried erect. Foliage and wood bronze green. Almost thornless. A shrub rose, throwing up from the base shoots four and five feet high. A good autumnal, flowering well into November." (NRS 21)
Semi-single bright rosy red with a light scent, produced in corymbs. Very vigorous, bushy, with glossy, bronze green foliage. A profuse bloomer all season.
This rare rose can be seen at Saint Francis Hospice, and the Europa Rosarium, Sangerhausen,
"One of the best of the Hybrid Musks. In bloom from June to Christmas." (NRS 29)
"A perpetual flowering cluster rose. Colour carmine. Flowers semi-single, produced in corymbs. Trusses carried erect. Foliage and wood bronze green. Almost thornless. A shrub rose, throwing up from the base shoots four and five feet high. A good autumnal, flowering well into November." (NRS 21)
Semi-single bright rosy red with a light scent, produced in corymbs. Very vigorous, bushy, with glossy, bronze green foliage. A profuse bloomer all season.
This rare rose can be seen at Saint Francis Hospice, and the Europa Rosarium, Sangerhausen,

Sea Spray
Rambler introduced 1923
Flowers stone-white flushed pink in large clusters of perfectly formed rosette cushions. Foliage leathery dark green, growth very vigorous. Lightly double Summer flowering rambler. Very easy to grow.
This rare rose can be seen at Saint Francis Hospice but otherwise it is thought not to be available anywhere in Europe.
This rare rose can be seen at Saint Francis Hospice but otherwise it is thought not to be available anywhere in Europe.

Star of Persia
Hybrid Foetidas introduced 1919
Rosa foetida Herrm. x Trier (Hybrid Musk, Lambert, 1904)
"Colour bright yellow with golden stamens. Flowers semi-single, about three inches across, blooming at the end of May and early June. Summer flowering. Growth from eight to ten feet high. A pillar rose." (NRS 19)
"Enormous semi-single blooms, very freely produced, and not liable to much damage by rain, or sun. Colour bright yellow, with lovely golden stamens. Foliage and wood like (those of) 'Persian Yellow', but much larger. Free of mildew. Growth very vigorous, making a lovely pillar rose. Summer flowering only, but still very welcome." (NRS 23)
Bright deep yellow, lightly double flowers which do not fade. Flowers early May/June and can be grown as a climber, or pillar rose.
This rare rose can be seen at Saint Francis Hospice, but otherwise it is not thought to be available throughout Europe.
"Colour bright yellow with golden stamens. Flowers semi-single, about three inches across, blooming at the end of May and early June. Summer flowering. Growth from eight to ten feet high. A pillar rose." (NRS 19)
"Enormous semi-single blooms, very freely produced, and not liable to much damage by rain, or sun. Colour bright yellow, with lovely golden stamens. Foliage and wood like (those of) 'Persian Yellow', but much larger. Free of mildew. Growth very vigorous, making a lovely pillar rose. Summer flowering only, but still very welcome." (NRS 23)
Bright deep yellow, lightly double flowers which do not fade. Flowers early May/June and can be grown as a climber, or pillar rose.
This rare rose can be seen at Saint Francis Hospice, but otherwise it is not thought to be available throughout Europe.

The Adjutant
Introduced in 1922
Vermilion, large, semi-double (9 to 16 petals), cupped, high-centered bloom form with long, pointed buds. Blooms in flushes throughout the season. Strong fragrance. Upright with dark green foliage. Grows to a height of up to 2'.

The Fairy
Polyantha introduced 1932
Paul Crampel x Lady Gay
Rosette-shaped flowers are made up of scores of tiny petals, carried in dainty sprays all over the bush. The double clear pink flowers are not scented. One of the last roses to come into flower, although once it starts it provides a prolific show for weeks on end and is excellent for cut flowers.
This rose is popular because of its versatility. It will make a low hedge, trail over a low wall or rock garden, or will stay dwarf if pruned, and also makes an excellent weeping standard.
Royal Horticultural Society Award of Garden Merit 1993
Rosette-shaped flowers are made up of scores of tiny petals, carried in dainty sprays all over the bush. The double clear pink flowers are not scented. One of the last roses to come into flower, although once it starts it provides a prolific show for weeks on end and is excellent for cut flowers.
This rose is popular because of its versatility. It will make a low hedge, trail over a low wall or rock garden, or will stay dwarf if pruned, and also makes an excellent weeping standard.
Royal Horticultural Society Award of Garden Merit 1993

The General
Hybrid Tea introduced 1920
"Colour blood red, flushed orange. Form large, full pointed, globular. Flowers carried erect. Foliage dark green, wood claret. Growth compact. Suitable for bedding and for specimen blooms. Flowering continuously from early summer to late Autumn. Fragrant Damask perfume." (J.P. 1920)
Velvety red, scarlet flowers, deliciously fragrant and handsome, with blooms on medium stems. A very fine decorative garden rose with a wonderful and curious musk-damask perfume. The glory of this flower is in the half-open bloom which is near perfection.
This rose can be seen at Saint Francis Hospice but is otherwise thought not to be available in Europe.
Velvety red, scarlet flowers, deliciously fragrant and handsome, with blooms on medium stems. A very fine decorative garden rose with a wonderful and curious musk-damask perfume. The glory of this flower is in the half-open bloom which is near perfection.
This rose can be seen at Saint Francis Hospice but is otherwise thought not to be available in Europe.

Hybrid Musk introduced 1918
Marie-Jeanne (Polyantha) x Perle des Jardins (Tea).
Pyramus and Thisbe is the story of two lovers in the city of Babylon who occupy connected houses, forbidden by their parents to be wed, because of their parents' rivalry. They arrange to meet near Ninus' tomb under a mulberry tree. Thisbe arrives first, but upon seeing a lioness with a mouth bloody from a recent kill, she flees, leaving behind her veils. When Pyramus arrives he is horrified at the sight of Thisbe's veil, assuming that a fierce beast had killed her. Pyramus kills himself. Thisbe returns, eager to tell Pyramus what had happened to her, but she finds Pyramus' dead body under the shade of the mulberry tree. Thisbe, after a brief period of mourning, stabs herself with the same sword.
Buff yellow, semi-double rosette blooms on large trusses on long upright shoots. Very fragrant. Perpetual flowering with light green leaves. The flowers fade to creamy buff with rich, intense, golden stamens. Can be grown as a climber, 4' x 4' or as a bush. Flowers through to November.
Pyramus and Thisbe is the story of two lovers in the city of Babylon who occupy connected houses, forbidden by their parents to be wed, because of their parents' rivalry. They arrange to meet near Ninus' tomb under a mulberry tree. Thisbe arrives first, but upon seeing a lioness with a mouth bloody from a recent kill, she flees, leaving behind her veils. When Pyramus arrives he is horrified at the sight of Thisbe's veil, assuming that a fierce beast had killed her. Pyramus kills himself. Thisbe returns, eager to tell Pyramus what had happened to her, but she finds Pyramus' dead body under the shade of the mulberry tree. Thisbe, after a brief period of mourning, stabs herself with the same sword.
Buff yellow, semi-double rosette blooms on large trusses on long upright shoots. Very fragrant. Perpetual flowering with light green leaves. The flowers fade to creamy buff with rich, intense, golden stamens. Can be grown as a climber, 4' x 4' or as a bush. Flowers through to November.

Hybrid Musk introduced 1920
Château de Clos Vougeot (Hybrid Tea) x unnamed seedling
"Foliage and wood blue green, shaded red fairly free of mildew. Growth very vigorous, both as a maiden and cutback. The huge trusses of bloom are carried on long stems anything up to seven feet high. A very interesting and useful shrubbery rose." (NRS 23)
"A perpetual free flower cluster rose colour rose pink. Flowers large, semi-single, produced in corymbs, well distributed trusses extra large, of distinct character. A bush rose, throwing shoots from the base, four to seven feet high, all carrying sprays of flowers. Blooming well into October. Fragrant musk perfume." (NRS 20)
A semi-single bright pink rose which grows in large clusters, with golden stamens. Vigorous growth with dark olive-green foliage and sweet musky scent.
"Foliage and wood blue green, shaded red fairly free of mildew. Growth very vigorous, both as a maiden and cutback. The huge trusses of bloom are carried on long stems anything up to seven feet high. A very interesting and useful shrubbery rose." (NRS 23)
"A perpetual free flower cluster rose colour rose pink. Flowers large, semi-single, produced in corymbs, well distributed trusses extra large, of distinct character. A bush rose, throwing shoots from the base, four to seven feet high, all carrying sprays of flowers. Blooming well into October. Fragrant musk perfume." (NRS 20)
A semi-single bright pink rose which grows in large clusters, with golden stamens. Vigorous growth with dark olive-green foliage and sweet musky scent.
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